Joseph Ngondi is a trained Mechanical Engineer, from the University of Nairobi- specialized in production Engineering and Power Plants.
He is a climate change expert with over 15 years experience since 2007
He is a writer on several community aspects of climate change in communities and their adaptation and mitigation efforts in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. For example he contributed to the ‘Rainwater Harvesting for Agriculture Training Manual’ written by AFRHINET for Horn and Central African region, focusing on sand dams, rock catchments and subsurface dams.
He is experienced in in fundraising- since 1997.
He is a policy formulation expert with over 15 years experience. He is also a Climate Change, Water and Natural Resources Management Expert since. He has invented the sunken sand dam water and sand harvesting concept, the Natural Water Cleaner, Nawtcleaner and the Improved Surface Water tank, ISWa tank.
He has a global exposure having presented discussion papers in Knowledge sharing conferences and trainings in Vietnam, Asia; Ethiopia, Botswana, Uganda, Burundi and in Kenya.
He has supported Kitui, Mandera and Wajir Counties in formulating natural resources and climate change policies.